Social Media Marketing

Harness the power of social media to stay top-of-mind in today’s market. Increase awareness, brand value, and leads with digital marketing channels that receive nonstop activity and visibility. Social media marketing provides companies with a way to reach new customers, engage with existing customers, and promote a desirable reputation.

That’s where we come in! Our social media marketing efforts build operative strategies around your company’s goals to what is most likely to resonate with users. Social media audiences can be precisely segmented more than traditional marketing channels; therefore, we can ensure that all resources are focused on the desired target audience. Social media marketing has purpose-built data analytics tools that allow tracking capability to measure ROI metrics and success ratios.

Social Media Platforms

Depending on your goals of how you want to gain new customers or engage your current or potential clients, Adcomm offers social media services of the following:
(Other platforms available upon request)

  • Facebook Advertising Services
    Use the most popular platform to reach your B2C and B2B target audiences and increase website views
  • Instagram Advertising Services
    Use the most visually-engaging platform to trigger an immediate interest in your products and services
  • LinkedIn Advertising Services
    Use the most professional platform to influence conversations and gain awareness in your industry
  • Twitter Advertising Services
    Use the most blog-friendly platform to share ideas, trends, or topics in a short but simple way

Don’t have an active account? Adcomm has full creation capability!

Our Process

Why Choose Adcomm?

Our social media advertising services expedite your results, so you can reach people instantly. This means you can generate followers, engagement, and website traffic overnight.

Our professional team recognizes the importance of crafting perfect, shareable content and aligns ad spend behind it to increase impressions and engagement.

Our social media monthly packages provide full account and campaign management tailored to your business size, industry, and direction.

We help our clients achieve success through offline and online marketing.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level and are looking for the perfect partner, let’s chat!